Want to comprehend “how to write SEO content“?
Having them search engine friendly is one of the best ways to maintain receiving traffic for your earliest posts.
We’re going to go through how to write SEO content in this article.
Here are some very easy tips to write SEO friendly content that you can follow:
Table of Contents
how to write SEO content:
1.post title
The post title is a significant component of an article because it’s simply what your readers see before they go ahead to read the post.
Maintain an attractive post title with a catchy keyword like best, top, killer, etc.
Keep the titles of your article under 66 characters.
2.meta title

The meta title is how in the search result search engines display your article.
Having your keyword in the meta title is essential.
If you have not specified a meta title in your SEO settings, your post title will be treated by default as the meta title.
3.meta description

The meta description tag of HTML is the 160 character snippet used to summarize a web page’s content.
Search engines sometimes use these snippets in search results to let visitors know what a page is about before they click on it.
It is very essential to have meta descriptions.
You can use SEO plugins to add meta descriptions to a post.
Use the target keyword for enhanced CTR (Click through frequency) and concentrate keyword.
4.optimize image
Images are one of the best SEO elements that can safely place a keyword.
In the Alternative Tag or ALT Tag image, we should include keywords and retain quality.
To ensure that search engines comprehend the meaning of a picture, you must be sure to use correct picture names.
Permanent links to your personal websites, blog posts, category, and tag archives are permanent URLs.
A permanent link is the web address used to connect with your content.
Don’t use stop words in the permalink.
Usually, when we write an article, we use too many stop words in our post title.
Forex, if our post headline is “3 ways to make money online,” our permanent post will be by default:
“to” is stop word in the example above.
Usually, we make the error of still publishing our post in the post permalink with these stop words.
You can remove these stop words by clicking on the permalink “edit” and modifying the permalink to “https:/domainname.com / make-money-online.”
Note: Once the post is published, never change your post permalink.
6. internal links
Internal links mean that the article will connect post from your site.
Interlinking is a way to tell your readers what they might be interested in about your other posts.
Interlinking not only decreases bounce rates but also helps us get traffic to our ancient posts by connecting back to our messages whenever we write a fresh post and re-crawl the ancient posts by search engines.
For automatic internal links, you can use the WordPress plugin called SEO smart links.
7. H1, H2, H3 headings
The headline is your site’s most significant heading, so it uses H1 heading. By default, the post title utilizes an H1 heading tag for any SEO-Optimized theme.
Do not use various headings of H1; on each post, there should be only one.
Sub-headings such as H2 and H3 divide your content into sub-categories.
Try to add your targeted keyword to at least one subheading(H2), although this is not a major factor in SEO.
Also Read: How to do keyword research for SEOHope it helps.
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