If you’re looking for the internet’s most helpful websites then I’ve chosen for you the most useful websites.
Websites fill the internet. There are billions of them. Some are helpful, some are not that much.
These are the 37 most useful websites on the internet and will help you become smarter as well as help you learn new sets of skills.

Table of Contents
useful websites:
- duckduckgo.com
A search engine that doesn’t track you on the internet.
- fast.com
Check the current speed of your internet connection.
- iconfinder.com
Millions of icons for all kinds of project.
- history.google.com
See all your past google searches.
- gtmetrix.com
The ideal internet measurement tool for your website results.
- fonts.google.com
The finest open source fonts collection you can use without constraints anywhere.
- pdfescape.com
This PDF editor lets you easily edit a PDF online without any software
- differencebetween.net
An online knowledge base of articles discussing the differences between similar terms and things.
- screenshot.guru
Take high-resolution screenshots of web page on desktops and mobile.
- cvmkr.com
Helpful website to create professional resumes online for free.
- upwork.com
Find freelancer and subject experts to work on any kind of project.
- canva.com
Make lovely graphics, summaries, presentations and more with ready-made templates
- instructables.com
Step-by-step guides on how to build anything and everything.
- draw.io
Free online flowcharts, UML, ER and network diagrams, process diagram software.
other sites:
- glassdoor.co.in
Jobs and recruitment site with millions of business reviews, rating of CEO approval, wage reports, and more.
- about.me
You can build your personal homepage rapidly and share all your information with a URL.
- goodreads.com
Find and share the books you enjoy here for readers and book suggestions on the world’s biggest website.
- domains.google.com
Search for your next big idea quickly for domain names!
- flightstats.com
Track the status of flights at airports around the world.
- wetransfer.com
For sharing really big files online.
- translate.google.com
Translate web pages, PDFs and documentation from the office.
- unsplash.com
The best place to download totally free images.
- wolframalpha.com
Get answers without searching straight away.
- onesignal.com
Free website and app notification service.
- codecademy.com
The best online place to learn coding.
- pixabay.com
Pixabay should be bookmarked as it provides a broad variety of pictures from individuals around the globe. Even for business use, these images are free to use.
- allrecipes.com
Based on the food you love, discover recipes, cooks, videos and how-tos.
- alexa.com
Boost traffic and income with a complete suite of SEO and tool to analyze competitors.
- pixlr.com
Pixlr editor for all your editing requirements is a solid browser photo editor.
- grammarly.com
The most precise online grammar checker in the world is free now! Any text improves easily. Eliminate mistakes in grammar.
- reddit.com
Reddit is an aggregation of social news, web content rating and website for debate.
also, see:
- remotedesktop.google.com
Access other pcs or enable remote access via the internet to your laptop.
- oldversion.com
Find older software version.
- netflix.com
Watch or stream some of netflix’s coolest movies and online TV shows.
- quora.com
Great platform for asking questions and connecting with people who contribute unique insights and responses to quality.
- faxzero.com
Send a free online fax.
- kisspng.com
Without the background, this website provides free high definition images.
So this was the list of the internet’s most useful websites.
Also Read: How To Block emails on GmailWe hope you found some interesting and useful enough to bookmark some of these websites.
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